Koi Fish Info

Friday, November 30, 2007

Keeping Your Koi Healthy are Difficult?

The key to keeping healthy happy Koi Carp is water quality, without plenty of clean well oxygenated water you are likely to experience constant health problems including parasite infestation and bacterial disease.

The size of a Koi pond is a question often asked. The large volume of water which is well filtered with a few koi will mean health problems kept to a minimum.A koi pond needs to be 1500 gallons with a minimum depth of at least 3 feet. Koi like stable water parameters which includes temperature. The temperature of a pond will fluctuate to much if it is shallow, a 1500 gallon koi pond would be fully stocked with around 8 koi averaging 30cm in length.
Water temp what is important with regard to temperature in a koi pond is that it is constant and does not swing rapidly. I would suggest the absolute minimum size for a Koi pond to be 3ft deep and 1500 gallons. Although an average depth of 5 foot would be my recommendation. Generally a larger volume of water will provide a better living environment for its inhabitants.

However I must stress that it is a myth that Koi grow to the size of the pond. Koi are large fish and if kept in good conditions will continue to grow. In a shallow 3 ft deep pond the Koi will tend to grow fatter rather than the slender appearance you would associate with a large Koi you may see in a dealers premises.

PH Ideally between 7.0 to 8.0 although 6.8 to 8.5 is acceptable, the important thing is that the PH is stable and does not alter much. The PH will affect the general health and immune system of Koi. If you find your PH alters, algae and in particular blanket weed growth can often be the cause. If you have a high PH check for run of from cement and rocks with a heavy lime content.
Ammonia 0 - Also note that any Ammonia present will be more toxic with a high PH.
Nitrite 0

See also topics about Koi Fish

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